Tobacco Prevention Program
Florida Department of Health in Holmes County
- 850-547-8500
850 -547-8515 -
Mailing Address
603 Scenic Hill Circle
Bonifay, FL 32425
Tobacco takes a huge toll on all our communities, and we need your support to make a difference. We are working with community organizations and leaders committed to educating others about tobacco use, helping protect kids from tobacco, and strengthening local policies, especially those that protect the public from secondhand smoke. You can learn more on this page about what we are doing locally. Together, we can help create a healthier community. We hope you will be inspired to act.
Youth & Tobacco Issues
Despite a decrease in the number of smokers in recent years, more than 18,900 kids (under age 18) in Florida become new cigarette smokers each year. Considering nine out of 10 smokers start by age 18, it’s crucial to prevent kids from using tobacco during these pivotal years. Many youth have the attitude that they can “stop smoking at any time.” Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Tobacco Free Florida along with Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) and local partnerships, are committed to reduce youth smoking and tobacco use rates. We are educating youth and adults about how the tobacco industry targets youth, protecting young people from “starter” products like candy flavored tobacco and little cigars, and working with the community to limit our childrens’ access and exposure to tobacco. Because almost all smokers begin when they are kids, if we are able to eliminate youth smoking, we can end the tobacco epidemic.
Visit to protect the people from the dangers of tobacco.
Arely Sapp - Program Coordinator - Holmes County
Yamina Edwards - SWAT Coordinator - Holmes County
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